Tuesday, November 29, 2005

college, music, and basketball

I'm sitting at a table in the office at TRCC... Class went well today... I have quite a bit of homework to get done before the test on Tuesday... so, that's a bit of a concern, but the next assignment looks quick and easy... Mr. Cunningham revealed today that the final exam will cover everything we have studied in class up to the point of the final... Yippee...

There is no wireless here on campus, so I must resort to posting this when I get home... that peeves me... but there *will* be wireless when I get to ASU, and I will be in heaven... :-) But, I'm not too anxious - I'm going to miss everyone... Have to come back on weekends to go to church... Expensive on gas, but worth seeing family and friends...

So, there's no work left to do here... I cleaned off a table, added up GPA's for Dee, and Laura made me a cool new wallpaper in Paint...

Beth is not here... don't know where she is... prolly eating...

I have piano lessons in half an hour, then guitar. Then we pick up Dad and he tutors for a couple of hours... he's tutoring Haley C. for the first time this afternoon.

We're also going to watch the Tar Heels kick butt tonight at 8... it's gonna rock...