Well, I've decided to give blood today. It will be my first time, but I want to do it... just for the heck of it. They're doing a blood drive at the college today, and I'm participating. Usually I just ignore it, but not today. This sign convinced me...

Anyway, needless to say, The Dark Knight was amazing! I really think Heath Ledger did an outstanding job with his portrayal of The Joker as a truly maniacal, psychopathic, deranged murderer. Very, very well played.
Tonight is the MAD Camp performance at church. I'm really looking forward to that, as I do every year.
Let's see... in other entertainment news... I watched Scream for the first time earlier this week. I didn't have extremely high expectations for it; therefore, I was not disappointed. :-) I actually enjoyed it in spite of the fact that everyone in the world except for me saw it at least ten years ago. Not the best acting ever, but find me a slasher that does contain great acting and I'll kiss your foot. I thought the ending was actually fairly well done, and not totally predictable.
The other night, I was waiting to go to Blythe's for her birthday dinner, and I stopped at Hastings just to pass some time. Now, I have never enjoyed anime. This stems from my deep-seated hatred for Dragonball Z and Pokémon, two of the most over-sensationalized piles of crap ever to grace American boob tubes. I never caught onto the whole playing card/trading card craze, and I consider it to be ridiculously boring; this is why I've always looked down my nose at anime. Well, I decided to look around at Hastings that evening, and I saw a manga entitled Death Note. I picked it up and read the cover, and lo and behold... hey this has a plot -- a good plot that doesn't involve stupid little cards with stats on them!! By the time Blythe called me to tell me to come over, I was 150 pages into this manga, and I didn't want to put it down. I didn't get a chance to go back to Hastings for two more days, but I went as soon as I could. I finished the manga, and went to the anime section... There it was -- Death Note on DVD... Oh yeah... Rented volume one, watched all four episodes on it that night... and craved more. I'm dying to know what happens next. This story really sucks you in, and I'm afraid it may just start an endless love affair between me and well written anime and manga. We shall see. I kinda knew that it was out there, but I avoided it because I didn't want to be associated with Dragonball Z and Pokémon. I will simply have to tell people that I'm a fan of good anime!
Lisa just loaned me a Ted Dekker book called Blink. I hope it will be a quick read. Here's another thing I try to avoid -- Christian fiction. So, I kinda want to read this, but I also kinda don't. Not that I'm anti-Christian by any stretch of the imagination -- I'm just anti-poor-writing. I'm going to go give it a chance. Will post more later.

Anyway, needless to say, The Dark Knight was amazing! I really think Heath Ledger did an outstanding job with his portrayal of The Joker as a truly maniacal, psychopathic, deranged murderer. Very, very well played.
Tonight is the MAD Camp performance at church. I'm really looking forward to that, as I do every year.
Let's see... in other entertainment news... I watched Scream for the first time earlier this week. I didn't have extremely high expectations for it; therefore, I was not disappointed. :-) I actually enjoyed it in spite of the fact that everyone in the world except for me saw it at least ten years ago. Not the best acting ever, but find me a slasher that does contain great acting and I'll kiss your foot. I thought the ending was actually fairly well done, and not totally predictable.
The other night, I was waiting to go to Blythe's for her birthday dinner, and I stopped at Hastings just to pass some time. Now, I have never enjoyed anime. This stems from my deep-seated hatred for Dragonball Z and Pokémon, two of the most over-sensationalized piles of crap ever to grace American boob tubes. I never caught onto the whole playing card/trading card craze, and I consider it to be ridiculously boring; this is why I've always looked down my nose at anime. Well, I decided to look around at Hastings that evening, and I saw a manga entitled Death Note. I picked it up and read the cover, and lo and behold... hey this has a plot -- a good plot that doesn't involve stupid little cards with stats on them!! By the time Blythe called me to tell me to come over, I was 150 pages into this manga, and I didn't want to put it down. I didn't get a chance to go back to Hastings for two more days, but I went as soon as I could. I finished the manga, and went to the anime section... There it was -- Death Note on DVD... Oh yeah... Rented volume one, watched all four episodes on it that night... and craved more. I'm dying to know what happens next. This story really sucks you in, and I'm afraid it may just start an endless love affair between me and well written anime and manga. We shall see. I kinda knew that it was out there, but I avoided it because I didn't want to be associated with Dragonball Z and Pokémon. I will simply have to tell people that I'm a fan of good anime!
Lisa just loaned me a Ted Dekker book called Blink. I hope it will be a quick read. Here's another thing I try to avoid -- Christian fiction. So, I kinda want to read this, but I also kinda don't. Not that I'm anti-Christian by any stretch of the imagination -- I'm just anti-poor-writing. I'm going to go give it a chance. Will post more later.
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