Friday, December 02, 2005

Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Today I took a reading practice test for the GED... Got all 40 right... I was proud...

After school, grandma and grandpa came over and we immediately went to the dented can store... I sat in the van for most of the time we were there... I read a chapter of my book and took a quick cat nap while they shopped there... Then we went to eat at Perkins... I stuffed myself with french toast... it was really good! Then we went by Pete and Debbie's to take them some coffee...

After that, we were off to the high school production of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever which was awesome! This is the second year they've done it... It was really good... it's just the most hilarious play...

From there, we went to Hastings, and Dad got me the 2 disc Special Widescreen Edition of The Phantom of the Opera!!!! I can't wait to watch it!!! At Hastings I also so Martha and Jessie from Fairdealing... That was really cool...

We left Hastings and headed to Wal-Mart... my home away from home...

Now, I'm home posting! :-) Ok, well I'm off to get a bowl of banana nut granola cereal and watch Phantom! :)